Start your own Garden, and Become a Smart Gardener

Original Content By : Margarita Chacon Gonzalez, Industrial Engineer and Gardener as a hobby 🙂

Gardening has become an ever-flowing fountain of love for life’s nature, for living with mindfulness, for finding a passion, and for growing your own plants, and organic food in hope for self-sufficiency, and has also become a must-try for those who wish to find peace and purpose, on the un-precedented times we live in, since 2020.

My wish is to encourage YOU, and the entire world to try gardening, no matter if you have no clue on how to start, or if you have little to no time at all for it.  I am living proof that gardening helps to reduce stress, find positive meaning in life, and make you feel good about one self’s increasing ability to grow your own garden and vegetables.

Every time you share your intentions and actions for gardening with others (Please feel free to share this blog now), you are helping to tell the world that we all have the ability to find life’s purpose in nature, that we can motivate our selves and bring positive energy to the world, and that there is a “universe” of opportunities that nature has for everyone, if you dare to take the chance to gardening ?

With YOUR help,  let’s start a global challenge to encourage others to #DAREtoGardening , by sharing a photo of yourself gardening on any social media website, and tagging others to do the same, so we all can help others reduce stress, feel meaning in life, no matter how or when one’s start one’s gardening journey:

  • Don’t have a yard? No worries, you can try indoor gardening/indoor plants.
  • Don’t’ have much space? No worries either, you can try vertical gardening.
  • Don’t have a “green thumb”? No worries, you can try very low maintenance plants, use self-watering planters and any other tools and tech out there for automated /low-maintenance gardening.
  • Don’t like commitment? No worries, just start with one or more plants, and enjoy gardening at your own pace. Is better to try something now, than to wish you would have tried it years from now.
  • Not currently on a growing-season in your area? No worries, you can try a hydroponic gardening system. You control the environment and the temperature indoors, so you can grow stuff on any season!
  • Have little to no time? No worries, you can try adjusting your schedule on things that might save you some time, so that you can re-purpose the saved time on gardening instead. For example, try consuming less time watching negative or depressive news, less time on online back-to-back tv streaming, so that you enjoy yourself on a gardening journey instead ?
  • Have other passions? Great! Perhaps there is a chance to combine your passions with gardening? For example:

– Those who love fishing or fish tanks, can try an aquaponic gardening system. The aquaponic system is basically a self-cleaning fish tank, and ongoing plant fertilizer when used properly. There are mini-size ones you can start with, and many videos, books, and tips on the internet to help you start.

– Those who love decorating anything, you can combine doing art-minded gardening. I do this one in my home.

– Those who love crafts, you can create anything that could be used or displayed on a garden

– Those who love technology there is an ever-growing offer of low to high-end technology-based products to help you garden! Technology makes gardening easy breezy!

  • Don’t have ANY plants yet? No worries either, try making a drawing of any plants or seeds you want, and look at it on any chance you get, so it reminds to start or get the plant(s) you want, whenever you can, no rush, just relax and start the journey at your own pace. The “law of attraction” will make the right moment for you to start or get your own plants, if you focus your thoughts on it.

No matter what excuses your mind throws at you to stop you from trying gardening. If you have the will, you will have the means to it one day.  My decision to write this was because I believe it can help YOU be happier, less stressed, and make you feel and practice mindfulness more often, just by gardening or looking at plants.

I am counting on YOU to help spread this article, and this gardening movement! let’s plant and grow for it! 🙂

Want to share your gardening journey or have any suggestions? Email me!